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World Economic Situation Keynote charts template

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Type: Keynote Charts template

Category: Tables, Illustrations, Analysis

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KC00591

Template incl.: 30 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 24.00
World Economic Situation Keynote chart - these are ready-made slides of the presentation, which to a large extent, will show the causes, functions, and impact of crisis phenomena on the management of the enterprise.

The problem of enterprise management in crisis situations, both in the system of the regional and national economy as a whole is extremely important and relevant, because management, as one of the integral functions of any organized socio-economic system is designed to ensure the preservation and development of this system and requires adaptation. each individual enterprise to a new environment and, accordingly, changes, in this regard, the logic and principles of its operation.

The World Economic Situation Keynote chart template is a complex and systematic study of the theoretical foundations of management in the period of crisis, analysis of its methodological support, substantiation of modern methods of diagnosing crisis phenomena, and developing a strategy for overcoming the crisis.

The purpose of this World Economic Situation Keynote chart is to show the researched causes of crisis situations in the activity of enterprises and to substantiate the content and essence of the process of enterprise management in crisis situations.