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SMART Chart, Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Keynote charts

189 ratings
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Type: Keynote Charts template

Category: Tables

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KC00186

Template incl.: 21 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 19.00
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Keynote charts - editable table form sheet. Initially, the designers created only four squares, but you can copy and increase opportunities.

Synonyms: SMART approach / method. The so-called smart goals (from the English smart-smart) are goals that meet the following requirements. There are several options for decoding the abbreviation SMART. We bring to your attention the most common interpretations of this abbreviation:

S - specific, significant, stretching . This means that the goal should be as specific and clear as possible. The degree of its transparency is determined by the unambiguity of perception by all. The goals you set should be clear and well-defined. In the process of setting goals, there is no place for global and uncertain approaches. When goals are specific, they tell you and your employee a lot: what exactly is expected of him; when; how much. Specificity will help you easily identify individual successes on the road to achieving your ultimate goals. Although behind each ultimate goal, there is the next goal - a super task! In the absence of it, the immediate goal is unattainable.

M - measurable, meaningful, motivational - the goal should be measurable, and the measurement criteria should be not only for the final result but also for the intermediate one.

A - attainable, agreed upon, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented. It is necessary to adequately assess the situation and understand that the goal is achievable in terms of external and internal resources available to the organization/department. The goals should be realistic and achievable for any ordinary employee and the whole company. Of course, the best goals require some effort from people to achieve them, but they are never transcendental. Goals that are too high or low tend to lose their meaning and you and your employees start to ignore them.

R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented. The goal should be realistic and appropriate in the given situation, should fit into it, and not upset the balance with other goals and priorities.

T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable. The deadline or exact period of completion is one of the main components of the goal. It can have either a fixed date or cover a certain period. This time constraint helps you focus on achieving your goal on time or even earlier. Goals without deadlines or timelines are often vulnerable to the day-to-day crises that any company can face.