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Bootstrap Mockups PowerPoint Diagram Template

144 ratings
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Type: PowerPoint Diagrams template

Category: Tables, Illustrations

Sources Available: .pptx

Product ID: PD00181

Template incl.: 5 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 15.00
Bootstrap Mockups PowerPoint diagrams model, made a life-size and looking like will look like a running instance. Ready mockup web page elements can be painted, stretch, draw text. With these diagrams, you can create a visual model of your future web page.

A Bootstrap Mockups diagram template is an ideal tool for comparing ranges, usually allowing you to focus on extreme values or on the distribution of data. They are easy to read, easy to understand, and give a clear visual picture of the information.

This Bootstrap Mockups PowerPoint diagram allows you to visualize your data in different ways and makes it easier for you to focus on specific parts.