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Target Vision Cycle PowerPoint charts

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Type: PowerPoint Charts template

Category: Cycle

Sources Available: .pptx

Product ID: PC00912

Template incl.: 38 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 18.00
Target Vision Cycle PowerPoint charts for presentation are a cyclic graphic image that, in the form of a geometric figure, shows the relationship between different quantities that compare and relate to the same topic.

Target Vision Cycle PowerPoint chart - it is useful to use to display in the PowerPoint presentation of their proportions or part of something relative to the whole. PowerPoint chart is built for only one row of data and is effective with a small amount of data. In a Target Vision Cycle chart, you can separate a sector to focus on it.

The strategic vision allows for removing all doubts about the long-term prospects of the development of the enterprise. If the mission is focused on the consumer, the company's vision focuses on the principles of activity that allow to implementation of this mission.