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Our Portfolio Keynote Charts

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Type: Keynote Charts template

Category: Tables

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KC00886

Template incl.: 40 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 20.00
Sometimes an employer doesn't have the perfect resume and professional self-presentation to understand how true your words are and whether you really fit the job. Then a portfolio comes to the rescue, containing the best examples of the candidate's work, which best demonstrates his skills in a particular field. Our Portfolio Keynote chart is not just a collection of photos, articles, or sketches, it can also include presentations and more.

Who needs a portfolio?

First of all, for successful employment the portfolio is used by representatives of creative professions: designer, actor, musician, journalist, model, etc. Recently, examples of their professional activities have also begun to provide PR specialists, teachers, programmers, builders, confectioners - all those whose work can be seen in reality. The portfolio will also be relevant if you have created something fundamentally new (for example, a university lecturer who has created his own program) or your work is of a project nature.

If you are an accountant, civil servant, office worker, or pharmacist, you are unlikely to need to demonstrate examples of your work. Usually, the employer himself makes it clear from which candidate for the position he expects examples of work.