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Arrows Branching Keynote chart template

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Type: Keynote Charts template

Category: Arrows

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KC00839

Template incl.: 28 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 18.00
Arrows Branching Keynote chart template is the ability to visualize a simple branching process. Two or more arrows coming from one point of focus of the object are used to represent the branch on the presentation slides. Thus next to each of them, the corresponding condition of a branch in the form of an arrow is specified.

The number of branches can be arbitrary, but the presence of branches can significantly complicate the interpretation of the sequence diagram. The conditional proposal must be explicitly specified for each branch and written in plain text.

By means of branching it is possible to represent also more difficult logic of interaction of objects among themselves. If the conditions are more than two, then for each of them it is necessary to provide a situation of a single execution.

Here is a sequence Keynote chart for the described case of branching, supplemented by template values ​​of individual messages. This sequence Keynote chart is more expressive and simple for its meaningful interpretation.