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Agile Scrum Development Process Keynote charts

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Type: Keynote Charts template

Category: Business Models

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KC00830

Template incl.: 16 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 15.00
Agile Scrum Development Process Keynote charts - it is flexibility and focus on continuous development and change. This is largely achieved through continuous communication and interaction. At the sprint planning stage, the product owner communicates with the scrum team, determining what tasks user stories can be broken down and how they can be implemented. During daily meetings, scrum team members discuss each individual task and determine possible solutions to the problems that arose. At the end of the sprint, the finished product is presented to the customer, who can evaluate the current functionality and note what he would like to change. This distinguishing feature of Scrum can be useful if, over time, the customer changes their vision of how the product should look. And finally, all the information obtained at these stages is taken into account in all subsequent sprints, which helps to optimize the development process in the best way. Download Agile Scrum Development Process Keynote charts for presentation.