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DNA, Genes, Chromosomes Business Card Template

356 ratings

Type: Business Cards template

Category: Medicine - Pharma

Sources Available: .ait, .dotx, .indt

Page size: 2x3,5

Product ID: BC01259

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The DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes Business Card Template is a sleek and modern design that is perfect for professionals in the fields of genetics, biotechnology, and life sciences. The design features a simple and clean layout with a blue-and-white color scheme.

The front of the business card features a stylized DNA double helix in the center, with the words DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes in bold white letters above it. The background of the card is a gradient of blue, with a lighter blue at the top fading into a darker blue at the bottom.

On the back of the card, there is ample space for personal information such as name, title, contact details, and company logo. The background of the back of the card is a solid blue, with the double helix motif repeated in a subtle watermark effect.

The design of this business card template is both professional and visually striking, making it an excellent choice for those looking to make a strong first impression in the field of genetics and life sciences.