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Online Social Websites Word templates

506 ratings
Online Social Websites Word templates

    Type: Word templates template

    Category: Internet - E-Commerce, Telecommunication

    Sources Available: .dotx, .jpg

    Product ID: WT01488

    Purchase this template
    Online Social Websites Word templates: Unlike ordinary website, a social network has the following online features - create your user profile specifying the actual data

    You can download examples of professionally drawn up designs for documents.

    Contains the text of the document, images, formatting, styles, drawing objects, and other parameters of the document.

    How to open DOCX file

    In Windows: Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word Viewer, Corel WordPerfect Office X5, OxygenOffice Professional, Hancom ThinkFree Office Write, Panergy docXConverter, NativeWinds Docx2Rtf, TextMaker, AbiWord, Microsoft WordPad, Ability Write

    In Mac OS: Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, Planamesa NeoOffice, Hancom ThinkFree Office Write, Panergy docXConverter, iWork Pages

    In Linux: OxygenOffice Professional, Hancom ThinkFree Office Write, KWord
    Cross-platform software: OpenOffice.org, LibreOffice Writer, IBM Lotus Symphony The Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod): Pages for iOS

    In Windows Mobile / CE: Word Mobile, SoftMaker Office for Windows Mobile
    The Symbian: OfficeSuite

    Web: Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive

    The Blackberry: eOffice