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Worst Terrible Watermelons Word templates

83 ratings
Worst Terrible Watermelons Word templates

    Type: Word templates template

    Category: Holiday - Special Occasion

    Sources Available: .dotx, .jpg

    Product ID: WT01314

    Purchase this template
    Worst Terrible Watermelons Word templates: One of the main symbols of Halloween is the pumpkin. Pumpkin symbolizes both the end of the harvest, the evil spirit, and fire, frightening him. Also contributed to the popularization of the pumpkin legend of Jack-o-lanterns - a lantern made from a gourd with slotted holes in the form of the eyes, nose, and mouth. For many years, October 31 Jack-lantern (Jack-o-lanterns) is lit in homes, scaring off evil spirits. The origin of this symbol of Halloween tells an Irish legend about a man named Jack.