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Asia Countries Keynote map Template

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Download Map of Asia with Countries Keynote maps
Map of Asia with Countries Keynote maps
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Type: Keynote Maps template

Category: Asia

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KM00159

Template incl.: 14 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 16.00
Map of Asia with Countries Keynote maps for presentation. It includes countries - Mongolia, China, the Korean Peninsula, the islands of Japan, the Yellow, East China, and part of the South China Sea. Download the Keynote Map of Asia here!

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of population and territory on the planet Earth. The mainland part of Asia is located in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres of the Earth. The exception is the Chukchi Peninsula, which is located in the Western Hemisphere. The Isthmus of Suez connects Asia with Africa, and the Bering Strait separates it from North America.

The professional Asia Keynote map is designed to create impressive presentations. When creating a map of Asia focused on the ease of use in presentations. With this Countries Keynote map template, you will easily be able to edit the states and regions of Asia and make any adjustments by changing the color of the desired images. In addition, you will be able to see the diagrams and the style of the slide for your presentation. Hope you enjoy this job.