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Fishbone: Analysis of Problems Keynote diagrams

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Type: Keynote Diagrams template

Category: Business Models, Illustrations

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KD00167

Template incl.: 16 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 22.00
Analysis of Problems Keynote diagrams to help detect and solve problems, to recognize important information and connections between different data; trace possible causes and look for relevant details. It is one of the lean manufacturing tools, where it is used in group work to find problems and their causes.

Basically, the Keynote template presents the Ishikawa Cause-and-Effect-Diagram, a graphical method for analyzing and forming cause and effect relationships, a fishbone tool for systematically identifying the causes of a problem and then graphing it.

Fishbone: Analysis of Problems Keynote are collection of presentation slides, which contains graphs, on the basis of which it becomes possible to investigate and determine the main causal relationships of factors and consequences in the problem or situation of interest, as well as to prevent the occurrence of undesirable factors and causes.

Like other quality tools, the Ishikawa diagram is considered an excellent visualization and organization of knowledge, making it easier to understand and diagnose problems and processes. In most cases, the fishbone diagram is used in new product development, identifying the factors that have the greatest effect on product quality and the root causes that generate specific consequences and are manageable.