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Collection Cycle Arrows Keynote charts for presentation

1183 ratings
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Type: Keynote Charts template

Category: Cycle

Sources Available: .key

Product ID: KC00771

Template incl.: 24 editable slides

Purchase this template
$ 23.00

Collection Cycle Arrows Keynote charts are a powerful tool for businesses and organizations to track the flow of collections within their business cycle. This type of chart can help you understand the different stages of collections, the amount of time each stage takes, and the effectiveness of your collection efforts.

The Collection Cycle Arrows Keynote chart consists of a series of arrows that represent the different stages of collections. The arrows are color-coded to help you quickly identify the current status of a specific account. This makes it easy to see which accounts are past due, which ones are in the process of being collected, and which ones have been successfully collected.

The first stage of the collection cycle is typically called the pre-collection stage. This is the time when a business sends out invoices and reminders to customers who have not yet paid their bills. The next stage is the collection stage, which involves more aggressive collection efforts, such as phone calls and collection letters.

The final stage of the collection cycle is the write-off stage. This is when a business decides that an account is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. The Collection Cycle Arrows Keynote chart can help you identify which accounts are in each stage of the cycle and how long they have been there.

In addition to tracking the status of accounts, the Collection Cycle Arrows Keynote chart can also help you identify trends in your collections process. For example, if you notice that a large number of accounts are consistently stuck in the “collection” stage, you may need to re-evaluate your collection methods to improve your effectiveness.

Overall, the Collection Cycle Arrows Keynote chart is an excellent tool for any business or organization that wants to improve their collections process. By tracking the flow of collections through each stage of the cycle, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions that will help you collect more efficiently and effectively.