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World in Focus Business Card template, Design for printing

719 ratings
World in Focus Business Card template, Design for printing

    Type: Business Cards template

    Category: Business

    Sources Available: .ait, .dotx, .indt

    Page size: 2x3,5

    Product ID: BC01244

    Purchase this template

    The World in Focus Business Card template is a professional and modern design suitable for individuals or businesses in a variety of industries. The template features a minimalist layout with a clean white background and a striking black and yellow color scheme.

    At the top of the card, there is space to include the company or individual's logo or a professional headshot. Below that, the name and job title can be displayed in a bold font, while contact information such as phone number, email, and website can be listed in a smaller font underneath.

    The design is optimized for printing and is available in a standard business card format of 3.5 inches by 2 inches. The template is provided in a high-resolution format, ensuring that the printed cards are crisp and clear with vibrant colors.

    Overall, the World in Focus Business Card template is a sleek and professional design that is sure to make a lasting impression on potential clients or business partners.