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Live Beer Business Card Template, Design for printing

998 ratings
Live Beer Business Card Template, Design for printing

    Type: Business Cards template

    Category: Food & Beverage

    Sources Available: .ait, .dotx, .indt

    Page size: 2x3,5

    Product ID: BC01146

    Purchase this template

    The Live Beer Business Card Template is a visually appealing design that is perfect for individuals or businesses in the beer industry. The template is designed for printing and comes in a standard business card format, which is 3.5 inches by 2 inches.

    The Live Beer Business Card Template features a vibrant background color that resembles the color of beer, which immediately grabs the attention of anyone who comes across the card. The design also incorporates several beer-related graphics, such as hops and barley, which further reinforce the connection to the beer industry.

    The template is customizable, allowing users to add their personal or business information, such as their name, title, phone number, email address, and website. The font used in the design is clean and legible, making it easy to read and understand.

    Overall, the Live Beer Business Card Template is a perfect option for individuals or businesses looking for a visually appealing and professional business card that represents their connection to the beer industry.