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Eco Alternative Electricity Business Card Template

147 ratings

Type: Business Cards template

Category: Energy - Power

Sources Available: .ait, .dotx, .indt

Page size: 2x3,5

Product ID: BC01113

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The Eco Alternative Electricity Business Card Template is a professional and modern design that promotes a sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to electricity production. The card features a sleek layout with a clean, white background, and a green color scheme that symbolizes eco-friendliness.

The front side of the card showcases the company name in bold, modern typography, followed by a slogan that emphasizes the brand's commitment to renewable energy. The back of the card includes contact information, such as the company's website, phone number, email address, and physical address.

The design also includes a prominent graphic element, such as a wind turbine or solar panel, that reinforces the company's commitment to clean energy. The use of high-quality graphics and bold, easy-to-read fonts creates a professional and memorable impression.

Overall, the Eco Alternative Electricity Business Card Template is an excellent choice for any company that wants to promote its eco-friendly approach to electricity production while also showcasing a professional and modern design.