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Snowboard Sports Business Card Template

1200 ratings

Type: Business Cards template

Category: Sports

Sources Available: .ait, .dotx, .indt, .jpg

Page size: 2x3,5

Product ID: BC00671

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The Snowboard Sports Business Card Template is a professionally designed template that is perfect for individuals and businesses in the snowboarding industry. The design features a sleek and modern look that captures the essence of the sport.

The business card template is designed for printing, with a high-quality resolution that ensures a crisp and clear final product. The standard format of the card is 3.5 x 2 inches, which is the standard size for most business cards.

The design features a minimalist approach with a white background and simple graphics that are reminiscent of the mountains and snow. The graphics are in cool blue and green shades that evoke a sense of adventure and excitement, which is what the snowboarding industry is all about.

The front of the card includes the name of the individual or business, along with their contact information, such as phone number and email address. The back of the card can be customized to include additional information, such as social media handles or a brief description of the services provided.

Overall, the Snowboard Sports Business Card Template is an excellent choice for anyone in the snowboarding industry who wants to make a lasting impression with their business card. The design is professional, modern, and stylish, making it perfect for networking and promoting a snowboarding business.