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Businessman handshake Business Card Template

309 ratings
Businessman handshake Business Card Template

    Type: Business Cards template

    Category: Business

    Sources Available: .ait, .dotx, .indt, .jpg

    Page size: 2x3,5

    Product ID: BC00391

    Purchase this template

    The businessman handshake business card template is a professional and elegant design that is perfect for individuals looking to make a strong first impression in the business world. The template features a clean, minimalist design with a white background and a simple, yet eye-catching graphic of two hands shaking in agreement.

    The design includes ample space for the individual's name, job title, and contact information, making it easy for potential clients and business partners to reach out and make connections. The font used in the template is clear and legible, ensuring that all the information is easily readable.

    The template's overall design exudes professionalism and reliability, making it an ideal choice for individuals in industries such as finance, law, or consulting. The card is customizable, allowing individuals to personalize it with their company's logo or other design elements.

    Overall, the businessman handshake business card template is a sophisticated and versatile option for professionals looking to elevate their networking game and make a lasting impression.